Friday, October 2, 2009

Momma Update

Here we are waiting in line at Walmart for a perscription. Holden is not so impressed!!!

Just a quick update from our home front. We are all doing really well. It has been such a busy summer/fall season. I feel guilty we haven't hardly taken any pictures lately. but I promise as soon as I get a chance I will post them.

I mostly just wanted to kind of let everyone know the results of Holdy's allergy testing that he had done on Monday. Im not gonna throw any numbers at you all cause that won't mean as much to you as this. Holden rapidly seems to be growing out of his food allergies. It looks like we will be doing a food challenge on him in March using Wheat. And fron these they will do Eggs and then Peanuts. Who knows, mabey in about 6 months our little boy will be able to have a regulas peice of toast which is his favorite breakfast!!! YYYYEEEESSSSS!!


Anonymous said...

AAhh ... he looks so grown up! Glad to hear that the allergies are improving.. Yay for toast!
Love ya - Great Aunt Janna

Heidi said...

So glad the tests came out positive - fantastic news!!!

Anonymous said...

YAAAAY Holdy! You're cute as ever. Love Ya, Gamma B