Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sick Day

After being up all night cause I was itchy..Sorry Momma..we decided to stay home and have a sick day!!

Cradle Cap

Daddy & Mommy are doing everything they can to cure this thing they call cradle cap. This picture is of them not letting me touch my head. Its mine so why can't I touch?

Gramma G

Day With Uncle Nick

We went to Perham to hang out with Unclu Nick. I Believe that he is trying to influence me a little bit!! Thats ok..he is not a bad guy to look up to!!

No More Snow

Thank you Uncle Nick & Aunt Jenn for the shirt!! Im ready to learn how to snowboard now!!

Cradle Cap

So Im pretty sure that this cradle cap shampoo if for those of you with no hair!! Leave it to Daddy & Mommy to make everything fun though!!