Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Playing At Great Grandma Kawell's

I ran....
I played with a ball....

I ran and played with a ball.....
We went to Great Grandma KaWell's house one Saturday and Mama decided that she really loves her huge yard with no traffic around. I played soooo hard that I fell asleep at 7:30 on the way home that night and didn't get up the next morning till 9:00!!

The Many Faces Of Holden

Oooh Can You Guess What Im Gonna Do Next????

Sweet Smile

I Love SeeFood!!!!

Im Outa Here!!!!

Im just copying Mama!?!?!?

Me And Daddy

Here are Me and Daddy strolling through the Zoo!!

Feeding The Silly Goats

Chahinkapa Zoo

Daddy & Mama took me to the Chahinkapa Zoo. It was so much fun to see all the animals and to feed all of the animals. I got to feed the goats....
And the birds.....

Not the monkeys though but they were pretty cool....

4th of July Sunset

It was a beautiful 4th of July this year.
Here are some great shots over Little Pine.
Lets Go Fireworks!!!

Run, Run, Run & Collapse

Here I am after just getting out of the lake and Im spent.

Bath Time

I like to help out a lot these days.
It's Bath Time!!!


This swinging chair thing is the bomb but I just can't seem to stay awake in it.

New Things

This summer has been filled with all kinds of new and exciting experiences.
Ive discovered that I absolutely love to swim and play in the sand.
Mayma bought me this lifejacket..its kind of bulky
but i was told that I have to wear it at all times.

I went for a ride on the 6-wheeler with mama.
The snowmobile helmet I was told I had to wear too.
Yeah Safety!!!