Thursday, October 15, 2009


I think that Holdy has been jumping for about 3 weeks straight. It started just on the floor but then he discovered he could start from higher and get some air!!!
We should probably put a helmet on this child!!
1-2-4 GO!!
I love how he manages to Hold onto the blanket the whole time.
I give him a 10 for the landing!!!

Sometimes Daddy & Momma keep right on going even when

Holdy has moved onto the next thing.


Holden LOVES his frog boots. Everytime he gets them
on his feet the dancing maniac takes over again.
In my frog boots
In my frog boots
I dance around in my frog boots
In my boots..STOMP-STOMP
In my boots..STOMP-STOMP
I dance around in my boots!!
Ok I did that...When is supper???

Something New

Making the most of what is left of summer.
Here is Holden on his classic red tricycle learning how to ride. His legs are about 1.5 inches too short to even reach the pedals but he sure gave it a try!!!
At least he is very happy at the same time!!
It ended up where he just used his legs to push himself where he needed to go.
There..this one fits a little bit better!!
I have a feeling that next summer we won't be able to stop him no matter how fast we run!!!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

I know it's a little bit late...but....
We Love You Very Much!!

The Wedding

The next day was was Dera & Eric's Wedding. It was a beautiful day and the wedding was gorgeous!! We didn't get many pics from the wedding itself cause I was in it but this post is all about the danging maniac that is Holden!! I couldn't get then to load in the order that I wanted but you get the picture.
He finally crashed at 11:30 and slept till 10am the next morning.
We had to hold onto this boy kicking and screaming just to get him to settle down. He was asleep in about 5 minutes!!
Right in the middle of the action..all the time.

The Hokey-Pokey was a great time!!
This kid has got some pretty good moves!!

The Groom's Dinner

We visited Grand Forks for Cousin #5's wedding. These are some shots from the night before. It was a fun was also Grandpa Benson's 80th Birthday so it was great to have all the family there. Holden loved finally getting to actually play with his cousin Lucy.
Here are Holden and Lucy helping themselves to the beverages.
Hanna pulling Holden areoud on the luggage cart.

There were 80 candles on Grandpa Benson's birthday you can imagine why the fire department showed up!! Really no lie!!

Lucy & Holden with their ring-pop suckers


Holden has really found his artsy side. Every chance we get we are sitting at the table coloring.

Fudge Bars

We found these fudge ice cream bars at Dairy Queen that are sugar free and only 50 calories. As you can see they are very tasty and Holden is really enjoying himself!!

Planning His Escape

Holden is constantly wanting to do what we are doing. But most of the time height is just not on his side. He can now open the door and unlock the knob but he can't yet reach the dead-bolt. THANK GOD!!!

Funny Face

Its funny face time!!! This is Holden's new favorite thing to do lately!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Momma Update

Here we are waiting in line at Walmart for a perscription. Holden is not so impressed!!!

Just a quick update from our home front. We are all doing really well. It has been such a busy summer/fall season. I feel guilty we haven't hardly taken any pictures lately. but I promise as soon as I get a chance I will post them.

I mostly just wanted to kind of let everyone know the results of Holdy's allergy testing that he had done on Monday. Im not gonna throw any numbers at you all cause that won't mean as much to you as this. Holden rapidly seems to be growing out of his food allergies. It looks like we will be doing a food challenge on him in March using Wheat. And fron these they will do Eggs and then Peanuts. Who knows, mabey in about 6 months our little boy will be able to have a regulas peice of toast which is his favorite breakfast!!! YYYYEEEESSSSS!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Playing At Great Grandma Kawell's

I ran....
I played with a ball....

I ran and played with a ball.....
We went to Great Grandma KaWell's house one Saturday and Mama decided that she really loves her huge yard with no traffic around. I played soooo hard that I fell asleep at 7:30 on the way home that night and didn't get up the next morning till 9:00!!

The Many Faces Of Holden

Oooh Can You Guess What Im Gonna Do Next????

Sweet Smile

I Love SeeFood!!!!

Im Outa Here!!!!

Im just copying Mama!?!?!?

Me And Daddy

Here are Me and Daddy strolling through the Zoo!!

Feeding The Silly Goats

Chahinkapa Zoo

Daddy & Mama took me to the Chahinkapa Zoo. It was so much fun to see all the animals and to feed all of the animals. I got to feed the goats....
And the birds.....

Not the monkeys though but they were pretty cool....

4th of July Sunset

It was a beautiful 4th of July this year.
Here are some great shots over Little Pine.
Lets Go Fireworks!!!

Run, Run, Run & Collapse

Here I am after just getting out of the lake and Im spent.

Bath Time

I like to help out a lot these days.
It's Bath Time!!!


This swinging chair thing is the bomb but I just can't seem to stay awake in it.

New Things

This summer has been filled with all kinds of new and exciting experiences.
Ive discovered that I absolutely love to swim and play in the sand.
Mayma bought me this lifejacket..its kind of bulky
but i was told that I have to wear it at all times.

I went for a ride on the 6-wheeler with mama.
The snowmobile helmet I was told I had to wear too.
Yeah Safety!!!