Thursday, April 23, 2009

Once Again

Okay so we are back..I think for good this time. We got a new computer so now I can load pics and share Holdy G's life with you some more. A lot has changed in the past few months. Holden has grown like a weed physically and mentally!! He has been walking since about the November and we haven't been able to slow him down since. He jabbers constantly and is mimicing everything we say. He is beginning to repeat what sounds animals make and recognize what animals they are when we point. He loves to read and just can't get enough of it. Im beginning to wonder if we have a prodigy on our hands..Nobel Prize possibly??? He is so smart and yet so goofy at the same time..he amazes us many times in a day!! So enjoy the catch up blog marathon. Erin


Heidi said...

Glad you are back! We love seeing him :)

Anonymous said...

The Catch Up is great! I'm glad I checked and it's fun to see the way he is growing. What a cutie!
Love you guys!
Great Aunt Janna